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Audi RRL Lamp

Audi RRL Lamp 

This lamp uses spade-type interior light bulbs and consist of a pre-zinc plated and passivity progression pressed grid-plate made from slit coil and assembled and heat staked on to a moulded bulb-housing made from a high temperature resistant, reflective white PC + ABS PA66 with 40%. The grid-plate tracks are within the assembly operation (multi station rotary table type assembly station), individualised by bending the connections between the grid-plate tracks open (at a pre-scored point) in a pressing opreration and all items are heat dated fro treatability. Afterwards this component forms the base of an interior rear reading light (RRL).

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G&G Engineering® Ltd,
Ballina Road,
Killala, F26 N795,
Co.Mayo, Rep. of Ireland.

00 353 (0)9632211
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